Schedule a call to discuss your wellness goals TODAY!

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+1 (703) 909-1527

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can benefit from your wellness program assessments and trainings?

Our services are specifically designed for first responders, including district attorneys who are often overlooked. Our ideal clients are command staff, peer support, wellness coordinators and agencies who are seeking guidance in creating long term solutions for their personnel ensuring their efforts are sustainable and effective.

How do you tailor your services to fit the needs of first responders?

We understand that responders face unique challenges due to the nature of their work. Our wellness program assessments and trainings are designed to address these challenges, providing strategies for stress management, work-life balance, and overall wellness.

What does the in person training include?

The in-person training can be customized to your department's needs from a one time training or a yearly contract, with quarterly trainings, to ensure your wellness goals are being met and adjustments are made as needed. All in-person training includes a comprehensive wellness assessment and resources for maintaining an effective, growth-oriented wellness program.

Are your services available for retirees?

Yes, we offer training and resources for retirees. We understand that transitioning from a purpose filled career to retirement can be an adjustment, and our services aim to ease this transition and promote continued wellness.

How can your services improve work-life balance?

Our approach to wellness emphasizes the importance of balance in all aspects of life. We provide resources and strategies to help individuals prioritize their health and wellbeing, manage stress, and find fulfillment both at work and at home.

What kind of commitment is required from me?

We ask for a willingness to be open to new ways of being, a commitment to make incremental adjustments, clarity on what is truly important to you, and a readiness to prioritize your wellbeing. We believe that these are essential components of any effective wellness program.

Contact Us

+1 (703) 909-1527